Cast of Wednesday (Tv Series) & Character Guide

Netflix’s “Wednesday” series, masterfully directed by Tim Burton, offers a fresh perspective on the iconic Addams Family, focusing on the enigmatic character of Wednesday Addams. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the cast and characters that bring this captivating narrative to life.

Cast of Wednesday (Tv Series) & Character Guide

Cast of Wednesday

Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams

Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams

Jenna Ortega takes on the role of the title character, Wednesday Addams, a young woman known for her dark humor and unique perspective on life. In this series, we follow Wednesday as she navigates the challenges of Nevermore Academy, a school for outcasts. Ortega’s portrayal of Wednesday is compelling and true to the character’s original essence, adding a layer of depth that fans will appreciate.

Jenna Ortega steps into the shoes of the iconic Wednesday Addams, a character who has captivated audiences for decades with her dark humor and unique perspective on life. In Netflix’s “Wednesday” series, we follow Wednesday as she navigates the challenges of Nevermore Academy, a school for outcasts.

Ortega’s portrayal of Wednesday is both compelling and true to the character’s original essence. She perfectly captures Wednesday’s dry wit and deadpan humor, while also bringing a depth to the character that resonates with audiences. Ortega’s Wednesday is not just a caricature of gloom and doom; she is a complex character grappling with her identity and place in the world.

In this series, Wednesday is not just the morose, macabre-loving daughter of the Addams family we know from the original comics and films. She is a young woman coming of age, exploring her powers, and uncovering family secrets. Ortega’s performance adds layers to Wednesday’s character, making her relatable to a new generation of viewers.

Ortega’s portrayal of Wednesday Addams is a testament to her talent as an actress. She brings a fresh perspective to a beloved character, making Wednesday’s journey at Nevermore Academy a captivating watch. Through her performance, Ortega ensures that Wednesday Addams remains an enduring character in the pop culture landscape.

Emma Myers as Enid Sinclair

Emma Myers as Enid Sinclair

Enid Sinclair, portrayed by Emma Myers, is Wednesday’s roommate at Nevermore Academy. Enid’s character breaks the mold as a werewolf who struggles with her inability to “wolf out,” adding a unique twist to the traditional werewolf narrative.

Emma Myers takes on the role of Enid Sinclair, a character who adds a unique twist to the narrative of the “Wednesday” series. Enid is not your typical teenager – she is a werewolf, and her character arc revolves around her struggle with her inability to “wolf out.”

Myers’ portrayal of Enid is both compelling and nuanced. She brings to life the internal conflict of a young werewolf struggling with her identity in a world that doesn’t understand her. Myers’ performance is a testament to her ability to delve into complex characters and bring out their humanity, making Enid Sinclair a character viewers can empathize with.

Enid’s character also serves as a metaphor for the struggles many teenagers face while trying to fit in and find their place in the world. Through Enid, the series explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the courage it takes to be true to oneself.

In the hands of Emma Myers, Enid Sinclair is more than just a character in a series – she is a symbol of the struggle for self-acceptance and the journey towards self-discovery. Through her portrayal of Enid, Myers invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the person beneath the werewolf exterior.

Percy Hynes White as Xavier Thorpe

Percy Hynes White as Xavier Thorpe

Xavier Thorpe, played by Percy Hynes White, is a mysterious student at Nevermore Academy. Xavier’s unique ability to bring his drawings to life adds an element of intrigue and unpredictability to the storyline.

Percy Hynes White brings to life the character of Xavier Thorpe, a mysterious student at Nevermore Academy. Xavier is not your typical teenager – he possesses the unique ability to bring his drawings to life, adding an element of intrigue and unpredictability to the storyline.

White’s portrayal of Xavier is both compelling and nuanced. He perfectly captures Xavier’s artistic spirit and the internal conflict that comes with possessing such a unique ability. Through his performance, White invites viewers to explore the complexities of Xavier’s character – his struggles, his triumphs, and his journey towards understanding his powers.

Xavier Thorpe is a character who challenges the norms, both in the world of Nevermore Academy and in the broader narrative of the series. His character serves as a metaphor for the power of creativity and the potential of the imagination. Through Xavier, the series explores themes of self-expression, individuality, and the transformative power of art.

In the hands of Percy Hynes White, Xavier Thorpe is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the boundless potential of creativity and the power of imagination. Through his portrayal of Xavier, White invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the artist beneath the student exterior.

Hunter Doohan as Tyler Galpin

Hunter Doohan as Tyler Galpin

Hunter Doohan plays Tyler Galpin, the son of Jericho’s Sheriff Galpin. Tyler’s character adds a touch of normalcy to the otherwise eccentric cast, providing a relatable character for viewers.

Hunter Doohan takes on the role of Tyler Galpin, the son of Jericho’s Sheriff Galpin. In the midst of the eccentric and supernatural characters that populate Nevermore Academy, Tyler stands as a beacon of normalcy, providing a relatable character for viewers.

Doohan’s portrayal of Tyler is both authentic and engaging. He perfectly captures Tyler’s struggle to reconcile his father’s expectations with his own aspirations. Through his performance, Doohan invites viewers to explore the complexities of Tyler’s character – his struggles, his triumphs, and his journey towards self-discovery.

Tyler Galpin is a character who embodies the everyday struggles that many teenagers face. His character serves as a reminder of the challenges of growing up, the pressure of familial expectations, and the courage it takes to forge one’s own path. Through Tyler, the series explores themes of identity, rebellion, and the journey towards adulthood.

In the hands of Hunter Doohan, Tyler Galpin is more than just a character in a series – he symbolizes the universal struggle for self-identity and the courage it takes to be true to oneself. Through his portrayal of Tyler, Doohan invites viewers to look beyond the supernatural and see the human beneath the student’s exterior.

Gwendoline Christie as Principal Larissa Weems

Principal Larissa Weems, portrayed by Gwendoline Christie, is a character who harbors a deep-seated resentment for the Addams family. Christie’s portrayal of Principal Weems adds a layer of tension and conflict to the narrative.

Gwendoline Christie steps into the role of Principal Larissa Weems, a character who harbors a deep-seated resentment for the Addams family. As the principal of Nevermore Academy, Weems is a figure of authority, but her personal vendetta against the Addams family adds a layer of tension and conflict to the narrative.

Christie’s portrayal of Principal Weems is both powerful and nuanced. She perfectly captures Weems’ authoritative demeanor and her underlying bitterness towards the Addams family. Through her performance, Christie invites viewers to explore the complexities of Weems’ character – her motivations, her actions, and the consequences of her vendetta.

Principal Larissa Weems is a character who embodies the conflict between authority and personal bias. Her character serves as a reminder of the challenges of leadership, the power of prejudice, and the consequences of letting personal feelings interfere with professional duties. Through Weems, the series explores themes of power, bias, and the struggle for fairness.

In the hands of Gwendoline Christie, Principal Larissa Weems is more than just a character in a series – she is a symbol of the struggle for impartiality in the face of personal bias. Through her portrayal of Weems, Christie invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the human beneath the authoritative exterior.

Christina Ricci as Marilyn Thornhill

Christina Ricci as Marilyn Thornhill

Christina Ricci, known for her iconic portrayal of Wednesday Addams in the 1991 and 1993 Addams Family movies, returns to the franchise as Marilyn Thornhill, the dorm mother at Ophelia Hall. Ricci’s return to the Addams universe is a delightful nod to the original films.

Christina Ricci, known for her iconic portrayal of Wednesday Addams in the 1991 and 1993 Addams Family movies, returns to the franchise as Marilyn Thornhill, the dorm mother at Ophelia Hall. Ricci’s return to the Addams universe is a delightful nod to the original films, adding a layer of nostalgia to the narrative.

Ricci’s portrayal of Marilyn Thornhill is both engaging and nuanced. She perfectly captures Thornhill’s caring nature and her underlying strength. Through her performance, Ricci invites viewers to explore the complexities of Thornhill’s character – her role as a dorm mother, her relationship with the students, and her own personal journey.

Marilyn Thornhill is a character who embodies the nurturing and protective nature of a dorm mother. Her character serves as a reminder of the importance of guidance and support in a school setting, and the impact a caring adult can have on the lives of students. Through Thornhill, the series explores themes of mentorship, support, and the power of a caring community.

In the hands of Christina Ricci, Marilyn Thornhill is more than just a character in a series – she is a symbol of the nurturing spirit and the power of a caring community. Through her portrayal of Thornhill, Ricci invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart beneath the dorm mother exterior.

Jamie McShane as Sheriff Donovan Galpin

Jamie McShane as Sheriff Donovan Galpin

Jamie McShane plays Donovan Galpin, the sheriff in Jericho, who is also Tyler’s father. McShane’s portrayal of Sheriff Galpin adds a layer of authority and lawfulness to the narrative.

Jamie McShane steps into the role of Sheriff Donovan Galpin, a character who embodies law and order in the town of Jericho. As the town’s sheriff, Galpin is a figure of authority, but his dedication to justice and his commitment to the town’s safety add a layer of depth to his character.

McShane’s portrayal of Sheriff Galpin is both powerful and nuanced. He perfectly captures Galpin’s strong-willed nature and his unwavering commitment to his duty. Through his performance, McShane invites viewers to explore the complexities of Galpin’s character – his role as a sheriff, his relationship with the town’s residents, and his own personal journey.

Sheriff Donovan Galpin is a character who embodies the struggle for justice in the face of adversity. His character serves as a reminder of the challenges of maintaining law and order, the power of dedication, and the importance of standing up for what is right. Through Galpin, the series explores themes of justice, duty, and the struggle for fairness.

In the hands of Jamie McShane, Sheriff Donovan Galpin is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the struggle for justice and the power of dedication to duty. Through his portrayal of Galpin, McShane invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the strength beneath the sheriff’s uniform.

Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia Addams

Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia Addams

Catherine Zeta-Jones steps into the role of Morticia Addams, the gothic wife of Gomez Addams and mother of Wednesday and Pugsley. Zeta-Jones brings a touch of elegance and sophistication to the role of Morticia.

Catherine Zeta-Jones takes on the iconic role of Morticia Addams, the matriarch of the Addams family. Known for her gothic elegance and deadpan wit, Morticia is a character who has captivated audiences for decades. In Netflix’s “Wednesday” series, we see Morticia through a new lens, adding a fresh perspective to this beloved character.

Zeta-Jones’ portrayal of Morticia is both captivating and true to the character’s original essence. She perfectly captures Morticia’s dark charm and her unwavering devotion to her family. Through her performance, Zeta-Jones invites viewers to explore the complexities of Morticia’s character – her role as a mother, her relationship with her family, and her own personal journey.

Morticia Addams is a character who embodies the unconventional and the extraordinary. Her character serves as a reminder of the power of individuality, the beauty in the macabre, and the strength in being true to oneself. Through Morticia, the series explores themes of individuality, family, and the power of self-expression.

In the hands of Catherine Zeta-Jones, Morticia Addams is more than just a character in a series – she is a symbol of the power of individuality and the beauty of the unconventional. Through her portrayal of Morticia, Zeta-Jones invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the strength beneath the gothic exterior.

Luis Guzmán as Gomez Addams

Luis Guzmán as Gomez Addams

Luis Guzmán plays Gomez Addams, Wednesday’s father accused of murdering a Jericho normie 30 years ago. Guzmán’s portrayal of Gomez adds a layer of mystery and intrigue to the narrative.

Luis Guzmán steps into the role of Gomez Addams, the charming and eccentric patriarch of the Addams family. Known for his boundless enthusiasm and unwavering devotion to his family, Gomez is a character who has won the hearts of audiences for decades. In Netflix’s “Wednesday” series, we see Gomez in a new light, adding a fresh perspective to this beloved character.

Guzmán’s portrayal of Gomez is both engaging and true to the character’s original essence. He perfectly captures Gomez’s infectious energy and his unwavering love for his family. Through his performance, Guzmán invites viewers to explore the complexities of Gomez’s character – his role as a father, his relationship with his family, and his own personal journey.

Gomez Addams is a character who embodies the joy of the unconventional and the power of familial love. His character serves as a reminder of the beauty in the eccentric, the strength in unity, and the power of love in the face of adversity. Through Gomez, the series explores themes of family, love, and the joy of being true to oneself.

In the hands of Luis Guzmán, Gomez Addams is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the power of love and the joy of the unconventional. Through his portrayal of Gomez, Guzmán invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart beneath the eccentric exterior.

Isaac Ordonez as Pugsley Addams

Isaac Ordonez as Pugsley Addams

Isaac Ordonez plays Pugsley Addams, Wednesday’s bullied younger brother. Ordonez’s portrayal of Pugsley adds a touch of vulnerability and innocence to the narrative.

Isaac Ordonez steps into the role of Pugsley Addams, the mischievous and adventurous son of the Addams family. Known for his love of explosives and pranks, Pugsley is a character who brings a unique blend of humor and chaos to the series.

Ordonez’s portrayal of Pugsley is both engaging and true to the character’s original essence. He perfectly captures Pugsley’s playful nature and his knack for getting into trouble. Through his performance, Ordonez invites viewers to explore the complexities of Pugsley’s character – his role as a son, his relationship with his family, and his own personal journey.

Pugsley Addams is a character who embodies the spirit of adventure and the joy of childhood. His character serves as a reminder of the fun in the unconventional, the thrill of adventure, and the power of imagination. Through Pugsley, the series explores themes of adventure, family, and the joy of being true to oneself.

In the hands of Isaac Ordonez, Pugsley Addams is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the spirit of adventure and the joy of childhood. Through his portrayal of Pugsley, Ordonez invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart of a child beneath the mischievous exterior.

Victor Dorobantu as Thing

Victor Dorobantu as Thing

Victor Dorobantu brings to life the character of Thing, the disembodied hand that serves the Addams family. Dorobantu’s portrayal of Thing is a testament to the power of non-verbal communication, adding a unique and humorous element to the narrative.

Victor Dorobantu brings to life the character of Thing, a disembodied hand that serves as the loyal companion to the Addams family. Despite being a hand, Thing is a character full of personality and charm, adding a unique element of humor and whimsy to the series.

Dorobantu’s portrayal of Thing is both engaging and true to the character’s original essence. He perfectly captures Thing’s silent communication and its unwavering loyalty to the Addams family. Through his performance, Dorobantu invites viewers to explore the complexities of Thing’s character – its role as a companion, its unique form of communication, and its own personal journey.

Thing is a character who embodies the unconventional and the extraordinary. Its character serves as a reminder of the power of loyalty, the beauty in the unique, and the strength in being true to oneself. Through Thing, the series explores themes of loyalty, individuality, and the power of non-verbal communication.

In the hands of Victor Dorobantu, Thing is more than just a character in a series – it is a symbol of the power of loyalty and the beauty of the unconventional. Through his portrayal of Thing, Dorobantu invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart beneath the silent exterior.

Fred Armisen as Uncle Fester Addams

Fred Armisen as Uncle Fester Addams

Fred Armisen steps into the role of Uncle Fester Addams, the bald, hunchbacked uncle known for his eccentricities. Armisen’s portrayal of Uncle Fester is both endearing and hilarious, staying true to the character’s original charm while adding his unique comedic touch.

Fred Armisen takes on the role of Uncle Fester Addams, the lovable and eccentric uncle of the Addams family. Known for his quirky personality and unique sense of humor, Uncle Fester is a character who brings a unique blend of comedy and charm to the series.

Armisen’s portrayal of Uncle Fester is both engaging and true to the character’s original essence. He perfectly captures Fester’s eccentric nature and his unwavering loyalty to the Addams family. Through his performance, Armisen invites viewers to explore the complexities of Fester’s character – his role as an uncle, his relationship with his family, and his journey.

Uncle Fester Addams is a character who embodies the spirit of individuality and the joy of being different. His character serves as a reminder of the fun in the unconventional, the power of humor, and the importance of being true to oneself. Through Fester, the series explores themes of individuality, family, and the joy of being true to oneself.

In the hands of Fred Armisen, Uncle Fester Addams is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the spirit of individuality and the joy of being different. Through his portrayal of Fester, Armisen invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart of a true individual beneath the eccentric exterior.

George Burcea as Lurch

George Burcea as Lurch

George Burcea plays Lurch, the towering and monosyllabic butler of the Addams family. Burcea’s portrayal of Lurch adds a touch of mystery and intrigue to the narrative, as his character often communicates through grunts and moans rather than words.

George Burcea steps into the role of Lurch, the towering and monosyllabic butler of the Addams family. Known for his imposing presence and unwavering loyalty, Lurch is a character who brings a unique blend of mystery and reliability to the series.

Burcea’s portrayal of Lurch is both engaging and true to the character’s original essence. He perfectly captures Lurch’s stoic nature and his unwavering service to the Addams family. Through his performance, Burcea invites viewers to explore the complexities of Lurch’s character – his role as a butler, his relationship with his employers, and his own personal journey.

Lurch is a character who embodies the spirit of loyalty and the mystery of the unknown. His character serves as a reminder of the power of loyalty, the intrigue of the unknown, and the importance of being true to oneself. Through Lurch, the series explores themes of loyalty, service, and the mystery of the unknown.

In the hands of George Burcea, Lurch is more than just a character in a series – he is a symbol of the spirit of loyalty and the intrigue of the unknown. Through his portrayal of Lurch, Burcea invites viewers to look beyond the surface and see the heart of a true servant beneath the towering exterior.

Riki Lindhome as Dr. Valerie Kinbott

Riki Lindhome as Dr. Valerie Kinbott

Riki Lindhome takes on the role of Dr. Valerie Kinbott, a local therapist in Jericho. Lindhome’s portrayal of Dr. Kinbott adds a touch of normalcy to the otherwise eccentric cast, providing a relatable character for viewers.

Joy Sunday as Bianca Barclay

Joy Sunday as Bianca Barclay

Joy Sunday plays Bianca Barclay, a student at Nevermore Academy who becomes friends with Wednesday. Sunday’s portrayal of Bianca adds a layer of friendship and camaraderie to the narrative.

Moosa Mostafa as Eugene

Moosa Mostafa as Eugene

Moosa Mostafa portrays Eugene, a fellow student at Nevermore Academy. Mostafa’s portrayal of Eugene adds a touch of diversity and inclusivity to the narrative.

Georgie Farmer as Ajax

Georgie Farmer as Ajax

Georgie Farmer plays Ajax, another student at Nevermore Academy. Farmer’s portrayal of Ajax adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, as his character often challenges the status quo.

Tommie Earl Jenkins as Mayor Walker

Tommie Earl Jenkins as Mayor Walker

Tommie Earl Jenkins steps into the role of Mayor Walker, the authoritative figure in the town of Jericho. Jenkins’ portrayal of Mayor Walker adds a layer of authority and lawfulness to the narrative.

Iman Marson as Lucas Walker

Iman Marson as Lucas Walker

Iman Marson plays Lucas Walker, the son of Mayor Walker. Marson’s portrayal of Lucas adds a touch of youthful energy and rebellion to the narrative.

Calum Ross as Rowan

Calum Ross as Rowan

Calum Ross portrays Rowan, a mysterious character whose intentions are not immediately clear. Ross’s portrayal of Rowan adds an element of suspense and intrigue to the narrative.

William Houston as Joseph Crackstone

William Houston plays Joseph Crackstone, a character whose past is intertwined with the history of the Addams family. Houston’s portrayal of Crackstone adds a layer of history and depth to the narrative.


In conclusion, Netflix’s “Wednesday” series is a captivating exploration of the iconic Addams Family, offering both a fresh perspective on beloved characters and an introduction to new ones. Each actor brings a unique interpretation to their role, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. This series is a testament to the enduring appeal of the Addams Family and is a must-watch for both new and longtime fans.

About the Author:

John is a world-renowned content writer with a passion for storytelling and a knack for bringing characters to life. With numerous successful blogs and articles under their belt, they have received various awards for their compelling and engaging writing style. Their expertise in the field of film and television, combined with their ability to create high-quality, SEO-optimized content, has earned them the trust of readers worldwide. They are dedicated to providing accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date information, ensuring that their content not only ranks high in search engine results but also resonates with readers. Their commitment to the principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) is evident in every piece they write, making them a reliable source for information in the ever-evolving world of entertainment.

The post Cast of Wednesday (Tv Series) & Character Guide appeared first on Celebrity Biography Net worth.

* This article was originally published here

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